Monday, January 11, 2010

Weekly Photo #3

I went out last Tuesday to shoot some photos of the sunset but there wasn't much of one. So instead I waited in the cold until it started getting dark enough to shoot taillights. With each photo the sky got darker, allowing progressively longer shutter speeds, (thus, longer streaks of taillights). I wanted to keep shooting well into nightfall, but fearing for the health of my frozen feet inside a single layer of sock/skate shoe, I headed home shortly after this photo.

Here's a few bonus photos from last week as well. First two are from Lung Diary's band practice at Kev's new house in Stoney Point on Saturday. The last is just a nice quiet spot along the train tracks near Todd's house that he told me about. Well I knew about it, but he helped me shave off some time getting to it. Every fence has a hole.

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