Friday, May 22, 2009

Twenty 6

In an effort to force myself to take photos everyday, and to start writing more often I've come up with a plan. Not the most original idea, but interesting, I think. Since tomorrow is my 26th birthday I am going to start a blog (for lack of a better medium). The idea is to shoot at least one photo a day for the next 365 of 'em. If I know myself as well as I think I do, I'm sure I'll miss a few but we'll worry about that later. I'm sure I'll make some good excuses for it when it happens.

This is probably going to be hard to keep interesting, especially since I no long have the luxury of a car. So I'll be doing a lot of walking and bike riding. Not a bad thing, I guess. I'm sure there will also be a lot of photos from my room and backyard.
If this turns out well I'll self publish a book at the end of it with all the photos and stories. Even if its just one copy for myself.